5 Tips for Writing Amazon Affiliate Product Reviews that Convert

How to make money writing product reviews

Javeria Yousuf
4 min readAug 22, 2020
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Jeff Bezos is said to be the Richest Man in modern history with a net worth of $196.3 B. You may or may not know him, but I am pretty sure you have heard of the renowned e-commerce platform Amazon Inc. Jeff Bezos is the CEO, president, and Founder of that platform.

The chances of you starting a company as big as Amazon and getting the same level of success are pretty thin. But, you sure can utilize the platform and easily make money using its affiliate program.

All you have to do is write product reviews and add your affiliate link. So, whenever someone buys the product, you will get a small commission. Sounds simple, huh?

Let me be honest; getting your products review convert is pain I can relate with. FYI, if you haven't guessed already, I am a content writer. I have been writing amazon product reviews for other people for a year now. And I would love to share some insight with people who are interesting in earning money from Amazon affiliate program.

So, if you are running an affiliate website or are a freelance writer like me here are 5 tips to improve your product reviews.

1. Choose the Best Products

An article with five 4-stars product has more chances of conversion than ten 3-stars products.

One mistake many newbies do is they search for x product on Amazon and bookmark the first few search results. This can be a reason why your reviews are not performing that well.

Usually, the first 2 listings are sponsored, which means they may or may not be the best product.

So, always select the products that have high sales and 4 to 5 stars rating. Use the amazon “average customer review” search filters.

You can also look for amazon best sellers and amazon choice products as these are usually the best in the niche.

2. Research, Research, & RESEARCH

The best way to review a product is by using it, obviously. But many times this is not possible. Especially when you are just starting your website or working as a freelancer, it is difficult to get hands on new releases.

Fortunately, nowadays, this is not even a problem as many customers post their experience with certain products online.

Side note, read reviews on other niche websites, and watch YouTube’s unfiltered reviews.

3. Write a Review, not an Ad

Writing a 5-star review of every product is a recipe for disaster.

As the name suggests, a “product review” is a review, not an ad. False advertisement can only lead you to lose your reader base and authenticity.

Don’t be afraid of stating the facts and mentioning the cons of certain products. This is why the first tip is to choose the right product. Because when the product is already top-notch, all you have to do is share it with your audience.

4. Features VS Benefits

Trust me, the reader does not care about the technical details of the product. Amazon already has a specification chart in the product description.

Most of the people reading your work will be the one that has little to no technical knowledge. This is why the article should focus more on benefits rather than features.

For example, don’t say “this shampoo contains x ingredient”. Instead, tell them why the said ingredient is essential for their hair.

5. SEO is an Essential

No matter what you are writing, whether it be a blog or your LinkedIn account’s bio, do the SEO. If you don’t know what SEO is, then, first of all, were you living under a rock? Just kidding, it’s never too late to learn a new skill.

SEO stands for search engine optimization. In simple words, when you search anything on google, it collects the data and shows you the relevant results.

So, when you use the right keyword, it helps your article to rank higher. The higher rank you get, the more organic viewers you would have and hence more chances for conversion.

Bonus Tips for Better Writing

If you stuck around for this long, then you deserve some bonus tips.

Increase Readability

You might be an English literature fanatic, but unfortunately, product review is not the place for you to shine. Do not fill the article with words you read in Jane Austin’s or Charles Dickens’ novels.

Try to write as simple as possible and use everyday words. This simple step increases the readability and helps the readers connect with you more.

Another step that can increase readability is short sentences. A sentence shouldn’t be longer than 25 words, or the reader will lose focus and switch to another website.

Use Grammarly (hashtag not sponsored)

This tool can check the grammar, correct punctuation, and fix the typos. It is free, so there is no reason for not using it.

Technically, Grammarly has two versions, an online free version and a paid membership. But you do not have to buy the membership as most of the features you would be needing is free.


Writing a product review is easy, but getting them converted is difficult. But now you know how to do it. So, never lie to your reader, make the content easy to read, and share genuinely good products. Only then can you start money writing amazon affiliate product reviews.



Javeria Yousuf

24 | She/her | Freelance Content Writer, language learner and an avid reader.